school program

Since the Huayin language school was founded in 1997, it has both experienced a tremendous increase in membership and has continued to adapt to high German standards. In addition, we have always put a special emphasis on the intimate contact between learner and teacher, this is what distinguishes our school. From the smallest with 5 years to the adult courses for Germans, we have a total of over 500 students covering a wide age range and knowledge base. We therefore see it as our most important task to adapt the curriculum and the learning objectives of the courses as best as possible to the individual needs of our students. This is the only way to ensure that our students receive the best possible education. Below we give you a little insight into our working culture:

1) Due to the large difference in age mentioned above, we have decided on the following classification: pre-school level, primary school level (compare German primary school + the first two years at a secondary school), intermediate level, HSK examination Level and basic and advanced course for Germans. Each year, we evaluate the number and progress of our students and adjust the class size and course content accordingly.

The pre-school level was designed for children aged 5 to 6 years. Of the existing 3 classes, 2 extra are designed for children of Chinese parents who already have previous knowledge and the last one is suitable for children without any knowledge of Chinese.

At the moment we have 25 classes of the primary school level, these are divided into the groups first class, second class, etc. up to the sixth grade and within the groups there is again a subdivision into lower and upper classes. For children without Chinese knowledge, we have special Chinese advanced training courses.

When our students have reached a certain language level, we offer you to prepare for the HSK exam within the courses. The HSK exam is the only internationally recognized exam for Chinese language proficiency.

2) With the available teaching materials, the different needs of our students and especially our many years of experience, we have decided on the following readings:

a. The textbook “中文” from Jinan University in the overseas edition. It is ideal for the simultaneous learning of pronunciation and the characters. To complete the lessons successfully, you should spend a lot of time doing your homework and exercises.

b. The interactive textbook “马立平 中文” communicates in a modern way listening comprehension and independent speaking. Corresponding tasks can be found at

c. The contents of the textbooks “幼儿 汉语”, “轻松 学汉语” and “四五 快 读” are best applied to preschool children. Here they learn the efficient learning of the Chinese language through easy exercises.

d. For the German learners we use the books “当代 中文”, “轻松 学汉语”, and a special version of “中文”.

3) We would like to pass on the profound and valuable Chinese culture to our descendants and interested people. That’s why we’ve developed cultural courses that teach children about the diversity and history of Chinese civilization.

For adults, we offer Tai Chi classes in forms with fists and swords. In addition, there are morning and morning dance lessons for parents who want to spend time between arriving and picking up their children (Guzheng is an ancient Chinese instrument). In the afternoon, however, there are also numerous cultural, dance and art courses. Our renowned dancers have already won numerous national awards and often appear at cultural events.

Another special offer is the calligraphy courses, which we also offer in the afternoons.

4) Apart from regular lessons, we regularly organize cultural and sports activities. In the school year 2016/17 we continue this tradition. Some examples would be the spring gala, reading competitions or the exciting trips in the summer holidays.

In 2017, we will solemnly celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Huayin Language School, and we will use the opportunity of the Chinese New Year to hold a grand performance at Saalheim Bornheim. Our students have studied different programs and acts and will do their best to present the audience an unforgettable day.

Dear parents, teachers and students of the Huayin language school. We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all those who have helped us in recent years. Without you, it would never have been possible to make our school so grandiose. We’re glad